Registration Information
Registration Information

Making an Appointment: 

•  Email:Please email to
       •  Phone:Please call our International Health Services Center at:(04)2665-1900
       •  In person:Please bring the required documents to our Information Counter 
Service Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:30, Saturday 8:00-12:00

Initial appointment basic information filing:

KTGH 初診單 New Patient Registration Form (

All data marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Required Documents: 

With National Health Insurance

--Personal Identification

--Health Insurance Card 

Without National Health Insurance

--Official form of identification such as a passport or ARC

Children under 6 years old

--Children’s Medical Book

--Any other records 


--For transfers from clinics or other hospitals, please bring the Transfer Form  

    directly to the Information Counter, and an associate will coordinate all your 

    medical needs.

Insurance Company Physical Exams:

--For physical exams provided by your insurance company, please bring

   the Insurance Company Physical Examination Form directly to

   the Information Counter, and an associate will coordinate all your

   medical needs.

Changing Personal Information:

--Please bring a form of personal identification to the Cashier Counter.

Child Immunization:

Shalu Branch:

--Japanese Encephalitis

    Every Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-12:00 am and 1:30-5:30pm. 

--BCG Vaccine

    cond and Fourth Thursday of each month, 3:00-5:00pm.

--DPT+Polio,+HIB, DPT+Polio Injection+HIB+Hepatitis B Vaccine

    and all other immunization

    May be administered during all clinic hours

Dajia Branch:

--Japanese Encephalitis

    Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30-12:00am and 1:30-5:30pm

--BCG Vaccine

    First and Third Wednesday of each month, 3:00-5:00pm 


    Every Wednesday, 8:30-12:00 am and 1:30-5:30pm 

--DPT+Polio,+HIB, DPT+Polio Injection+HIB+Hepatitis B Vaccine,an

    all other immunization

    May be administered during all clinic hours

Pap Smear

Women age 30 and over may receive a pap smear without waiting at

the Pap Smear Express Clinic in the OB/GYN department.

Please go directly to the Information Counter for registration.

New patients need to fill out a「New Patient Registration Form


Procedure Details


New Patients:
To make an appointment, you must fill out a New Patient Registration Form. A representative at the Information Counter will assist you with filling out the Form and setting up an appointment.

Both New or Regular patients may also make an appointment by phone by calling our International Health Services Center at (04) 2665-1900 and a representative will set up an appointment for you. (You may also request for an interpreter for your visit, but please notify us at least 2 business days in advance) To make the appointment, please have the following identifications and information ready: passport or Alien Resident Card (ARC), Health Insurance Card, full name, phone number, local address, email, date of birth, nationality, preferred date of appointment, specialty/department you would like to be seen in, and name of your preferred physicians (if any).


The representative will provide you with a Clinic Appointment Card (with your physician’s name, clinic room number, and appointment number). She will accompany you to the clinic and hand your Clinic Appointment Card to the nurse. Our outpatient clinics are on the 1st and 2nd floor of the First Medical Building, as well as the 2nd floor of the Second Medical Building.


You may enter the clinic room when your appointment number appears on the screen or when the nurse calls your name.


If the physician feels that there is a need for additional testing (i.e.: lab or x-ray), he will provide you with an Appointment Form. When you arrive at the appropriate destination, please hand in the Appointment Form at the registration counter and wait until your number is called.
5After your exam, head back to your original outpatient clinic and the doctor will explain the test results to you.
6Go to the Cashier on the 1st floor. The cashier will ask you for your Health Insurance Card; please tell her if you do not have one. You will be asked to pay a registration fee and a co-payment fee. There may also be other charges for your tests and medications. Once you have settled your account, you will receive a receipt.
7Your receipt from the Cashier will have your waiting number for the Pharmacy. You may pick up your medications when your number appears on the screen. Please follow the instructions printed on the package and be sure to ask the pharmacist if you have any questions.
8Once you have received your medication, you may leave the hospital.

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